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Atlanta Criminal Defense Lawyers > Doraville DUI Lawyer

Doraville DUI Lawyer

Driving under the influence is an incredibly serious crime. As such, the penalties that convicted DUI offenders face are equally serious. If you were arrested for a DUI, a Doraville DUI lawyer can help you navigate the tough times ahead. At The Spizman Firm, our Doraville DUI lawyer has successfully defended our clients through their first, second, and even third or more DUIs, helping them avoid the worst outcomes.

Georgia DUI Penalties

Driving with a BAC of 0.08 or higher is against the law in Georgia. The BAC thresholds for commercial drivers and underage drinking drivers is even lower.

  • First DUI—If this is your first DUI, you will be required to spend a minimum of 24 hours in jail. The maximum jail time, however, is 12 months. The minimum fine is $300, and the maximum fine is $1,000. Your license can potentially be suspended for one year.
  • Second DUI—A second DUI in 10 years will result in at least 72 hours in jail, a fine of $600, and 240 hours of community service, and mandatory installation of an ignition interlock system. Additionally, you could spend up to 12 months in jail and be ordered to pay a fine of $1,000, while your license could be suspended for up to three years.
  • Third DUI—A third DUI is a misdemeanor of high and aggravated nature, with a minimum of 15 days in jail and 240 hours of community service. The maximum jail time is 12 months, and the maximum fines is $5,000. Your license can be suspended for up to five years.
  • Fourth DUI—A fourth DUI results in a felony punishable by at least 12 months in prison, with a maximum sentence of five years. The minimum fine is $1,000. The maximum fine is $5,000. Your license can also be suspended for 10 years, and community service may be as high as 480 hours.

Additional of Penalties Drunk Driving

  • Probation—Any additional offenses, traffic-related or not, during probation can result in additional criminal charges being filed against you. This may include jail time or house arrest.
  • Drug Use Risk Reduction Program—You may be required to attend “DUI School,” which is an intervention course called the Drug Use Risk Reduction Program, created by the Department of Driver Services. During this course, you will undergo a clinical evaluation and then be required, by law, to complete any treatment that the evaluator recommends.
  • Increased auto insurance premium—According to Nerd Wallet, a DUI increases auto insurance by 93 percent on average, coming to $126 extra per month. If this is your second or third DUI, your insurance rates will grow by an even greater degree.

Contact a Doraville DUI Lawyer Today

Being arrested for a DUI is a traumatic experience. We understand the anxiety and fear that you are dealing with, and encourage you to reach out for help. A Doraville DUI lawyer is here to offer assistance from the first step of this process to the day you walk free. Call The Spizman Firm today at 770-685-6400 to schedule a free consultation.

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