Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Broken Playground Equipment and Child Injuries
Playgrounds are meant to be safe spaces where children can play, explore, and enjoy themselves. However, when playground equipment is poorly maintained or broken, it poses serious risks to children. Injuries caused by faulty swings, slides, climbing structures, or other unsafe equipment can result in devastating consequences, including fractures, concussions, and more severe injuries…. Read More »

Extortion v. Blackmail: What is the Difference Under Georgia Law?
While the terms extortion and blackmail are often used interchangeably, they have distinct legal meanings under Georgia law. Both involve threats or coercion to obtain money, property, or services, but their definitions and legal consequences differ. If you are facing charges of either extortion or blackmail, reach out to The Spizman Firm today to… Read More »

The Impact of Domestic Violence Charges on Your Professional License
Domestic violence charges can have far-reaching consequences that extend well beyond the courtroom. For professionals in Georgia, a domestic violence accusation or conviction can jeopardize more than just your freedom—it can place your career and livelihood at significant risk. Whether you are a doctor, nurse, lawyer, teacher, or hold another licensed position, the impact… Read More »

Wrong-Site Surgery: When Doctors Operate On the Wrong Body Part
Wrong-site surgery is one of the most alarming and preventable medical errors that can occur. When a doctor operates on the wrong body part, wrong side of the body, or even the wrong patient, the physical and emotional consequences can be devastating. Patients who undergo this type of surgical error often suffer not only… Read More »

How Domestic Violence Convictions Impact Your Right to Own a Firearm
Domestic violence convictions carry significant consequences that can extend far beyond criminal penalties, affecting employment opportunities, housing prospects, and even the right to own firearms. For individuals in Georgia, including Atlanta and surrounding areas, understanding these implications is crucial to navigating life after a conviction. The Spizman Firm is here to help. Federal and… Read More »

How Georgia’s Implied Consent Law Affects DUI Defense Strategies
Georgia’s implied consent law is a critical aspect of DUI cases, and understanding it is essential for anyone facing a DUI charge. This law mandates that by driving in Georgia, you automatically consent to chemical testing of your blood, breath, or urine if law enforcement suspects you of driving under the influence (DUI). The… Read More »

Does the State Have to “Disprove” Your Alibi in a Criminal Trial?
Many people accused of serious crimes in Georgia offer what is known as an alibi defense. An alibi is basically any evidence that shows you were somewhere else when the alleged crime occurred. To give a simple hypothetical example, say the police arrest and charge Mark with committing a murder in Atlanta. Mark produces… Read More »

Are a Lawyer’s Comments Admissible as “Character” Evidence?
One of the basic rules of criminal trials in Georgia is that the prosecution cannot present evidence about the defendant’s “character” unless the defendant chooses to make it an issue. In other words, if the defendant presents evidence that they possess a particular character trait–e.g., they are an honest person who would never steal… Read More »

When Does “The Think Speak for Itself” in a Georgia Personal Injury Case?
In the typical personal injury case, the plaintiff needs to prove that the defendant acted in a negligent manner that caused the plaintiff to suffer a loss. For example, if the defendant runs a red light and hits the plaintiff’s car, that is a textbook example of negligence. More to the point, there is… Read More »

First Time DUI Offenses in Georgia
Facing a first-time DUI charge in Georgia can be a daunting and overwhelming experience, The Spizman Firm is here to help you navigate it. The consequences of a conviction extend beyond fines and potential jail time—they can also affect your driving privileges, insurance rates, and even your career. However, understanding the legal penalties and… Read More »