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Category Archives: Battery


What Elements Are Needed to Prove Battery?

By Hawkins Spizman |

FAST FACTS There were 1.28 million violent crimes across the country in 2017. The rate of violent crimes has steadily decreased since the 1990s. When you’re charged with any type of crime in Atlanta, you have reason to be frightened, overwhelmed and anxious. If you are convicted of the crime you’re charged with, there… Read More »

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Why Aren’t On-Field Sports Brawls Considered Assault or Battery?

By Hawkins Spizman |

On-field brawls aren’t uncommon in professional or amateur sports. Football players take a few swings, baseball players charge the mound, and even hockey players throw down the gloves. Players are ejected and some suspended. While it’s certainly an expensive punishment for the players involved, it’s not exactly the same treatment anyone on a public… Read More »

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Civil vs. Criminal Assault and Battery Cases

By Hawkins Spizman |

Many people are familiar with the term “assault and battery,” and mistakenly interchange the two terms. The crimes are not one in the same as far as Georgia law is concerned. Assault and battery are separate crimes, and are further broken down into “simple” and “aggravated” offenses. The following is a brief description of… Read More »

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The Difference Between Assault and Battery

By Hawkins Spizman |

In Cobb County, like all other areas of Georgia, assault and battery are two separate crimes, despite many using the terms synonymously or in conjunction with one another, as in “assault and battery.” Either crime can be classified as a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the circumstances surrounding the incident. Simple Assault Simple… Read More »

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