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Category Archives: Car Accidents


Georgia Supreme Court Orders New Trial in Fatal Car Accident Case

By Hawkins Spizman |

Car accidents are an unfortunate everyday occurrence in Georgia. Many people are seriously injured or killed in such accidents. Yet in most cases, the person who caused the accident only faces civil liability, such as a personal injury lawsuit filed by the victim. The mere fact that the accident occurred is not necessarily a… Read More »

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How to Prove Fault in an Accident, According to Georgia Law

By Hawkins Spizman |

A car accident in Atlanta is a major event in someone’s life that can have devastating consequences for their future. Between the costs of their accident and the impact upon their health, they may find it difficult to resume their life as normal. Fortunately, a car accident injury claim can help them seek out… Read More »

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The 6 Most Common Types of Fatal Car Wrecks in Georgia

By Hawkins Spizman |

Car accidents can happen for any number of reasons, from natural events to distracted drivers. Unfortunately, the vast majority of wrecks happen due to human error. In 2015, there were a total of 385,221 crashes in Georgia, resulting in 1,430 fatalities and 19,405 serious injuries. In 2016, there were 1,554 total traffic fatalities across… Read More »

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Daylight Savings Time Increases Your Risk for Accidents

By Hawkins Spizman |

Chances are you already know that a decreased awareness behind the wheel can cause vehicle collisions. When you aren’t paying close attention to the cars around you when you are driving, you are either at risk for being involved in a crash or causing one. Daylight saving time doesn’t help. If you are like… Read More »

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