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Atlanta Criminal Defense Lawyers > Blog > DUI > Georgia DUI/Drug Court Sets Good Example

Georgia DUI/Drug Court Sets Good Example

LaGrange – Graduates of the DUI/Drug Court are being encouraged to find their salvation in support from others in their life. Eleven people were sent on their way after graduating the program last Thursday. The graduates were praised for their efforts by Georgia Supreme Court Justice Robert Benham, one of the officials who helped start the drug courts in the state.

According to Benham, through completion of the program, graduates are saved, as are their families, the community and their friends. Instead of reverting to their previous behaviors, these people are poised to make a positive impact on society.

For every dollar spent on the program, $27 is saved when compared with the traditional system. By helping people beat their addictions, the courts are helping to ensure that they are not seen again, wasting the taxpayers’ money and the courts’ time.

Thanks to the success of the drug courts, other spin-off courts have taken shape. Mental health and veterans courts aim to assist people in their time of need rather than punish them for a mistake or poor decision. All people who move successfully through these programs are encouraged to create a better system. They are told a simple truth: They can’t do it by themselves. Everyone needs support, and everyone should accept it. Graduating from drug court is just a step in the process of healing. The rest of the work will be up to the individual.

“I want to congratulate you for all you’ve done, for the sacrifices you’ve made and the commitment you’ve made to see this through to the end,” Benham told the graduates. “I want to congratulate your family for tolerating you during this long period of time.”

The success of the drug courts in Georgia has been noticed throughout the country. Whether or not other states will follow Georgia’s lead remains to be seen, but current thought is that at least some of the remaining states will be following suit.

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