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Atlanta Criminal Defense Lawyers > Blog > DUI > Woman Uses Periscope While Driving Drunk

Woman Uses Periscope While Driving Drunk

A woman in Florida Periscoped her drive home and found herself quickly arrested. Periscope is an app that allows people to broadcast whatever they are doing over a live video stream on Twitter. At first, hearing of someone periscoping during their drive home brings to mind pirates, ships and maidens. Chances are high that Whitney Marie Beall, 23, wishes her tale was fictional.

Beall, titled her Periscope stream “girl driving drunk.” You can clearly hear Beall in the video say, “I am driving as you guys know, but I think I’m, I think I’m on a flat tire which is horrible.” Beall then begins to shout, but not at another person. Beall, instead, can be heard shouting at the red light she must stop for. If all of this was not enough, “The Hills” by The Weekend is lending the background track to the now-trending video.

One quick-thinking cop utilized his own Twitter account to watch Beall and figure out where she was, based on landmarks seen in the background. When police caught up with Beall, they noted that not only was she allegedly under the influence but she was, indeed, driving on a flat tire.

Even if you think the police have all of the evidence they need to get a conviction, you deserve to have a knowledgeable attorney fighting on your side. Never assume that you have no case. The DUI lawyers at The Spizman Firm Fortas have been defending cases like yours for years. We know how the system works, and we know how to make sure your rights are protected. Browse our site for more information or contact us today for a free case evaluation.

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