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Atlanta Criminal Defense Lawyers > Blog > DUI > Former NFL Player Strikes Police Car While Drunk

Former NFL Player Strikes Police Car While Drunk

Lawrence Taylor used to be one of the most feared defensive players in the National Football League. He played for 13 seasons with the New York Giants, made it to the Pro Bowl 10 times, won the Super Bowl twice, and was given a place in the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1999, among other accolades. It wasn’t Taylor’s impressive football stats that had him in the news early in September, but his drunk driving arrest.

According to reports from the Florida Highway Patrol, Taylor was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence of alcohol in Palm Beach Gardens.

Police say that Taylor was exiting off Beeline Expressway onto Florida’s Turnpike. He attempted to merge his 2010 Bentley into traffic when he sideswiped a recreational vehicle. He maneuvered his vehicle to the right and struck a patrol vehicle that was resting on the shoulder of the turnpike.

It was reported that Taylor had watery eyes and was not able to stand steadily. Taylor submitted to a breath test and blew a .082 and .084 close to five hours after the collision.

This was not Taylor’s first run-in with the law. He was charged with leaving the scene of an accident in 2009 and sexual misconduct and patronizing a prostitute in 2011.

If you have been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol in DeKalb County, you need an experienced attorney by your side in court. Call The Spizman Firm Fortas for a free case evaluation and learn about the options available to you.

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