How Daylight Saving Time Affects Crime Rates
Very few people, if any, enjoy Daylight Saving Time. It throws off our internal rhythms twice each year, makes for cranky children and confused pets. It can take weeks for our bodies to adjust to what seems like an innocuous hour. Even though most of us complain about the change, we don’t think much about it after a couple of weeks. Until the next time the clocks change, that is.
For others, the consequences of daylight saving time can be long lasting. In a recent study published by The Review of Economics and Statistics, it has been said that crime rates increase during the fall and drop off in the spring. But why? Researchers believe that it is a directly correlation with the amount of sunlight.
The timing of the sunlight matters. Our schedules don’t adjust when the sun rises or sets. We still go to work at the same time and leave at the same time. During the fall, this often means that we are moving about when the sun is down. It makes sense that those who commit crime are more likely to do so in the dark when they are more difficult to recognize and, eventually, identify.
Interestingly, research has also shown that daylight saving time saps our energy, adds extra stress to our bodies, increases traffic accidents and leads to an increased risk of workplace accidents. Couples with the fact that crime rates tend to rise in the fall when the clocks turn back, it makes sense that some people want to see an end to the practice of changing the clocks once and for all.
If you have been accused of and arrested for a crime in Atlanta, reach out to us here at Hawkins Spizman Fortas. We will review the details of your case and advise you of the options you have under current law. Call today for free consultation.