Legal Resolutions For The New Year

It’s a new year, and with it comes a new opportunity to face things differently, including any pending criminal charges or traffic tickets. If you want to start the new year off right, that means combatting any denial you may have about the seriousness of any outstanding offenses and instead being proactive and facing them head-on.
Here are some legal resolutions to keep this year, regardless of your current criminal court status.
- I will consult with an attorney on any criminal matter that I am involved in. This is a good habit to get into generally. Any time you think you may be in trouble or that you have been charged with a crime, talk to an attorney to get a better understanding of what you are being charged with and how you can fight it. The sooner you can involve an attorney the better your chances are of receiving a reduction in charges as your lawyer will have more time to review the case prior to court.
- I will not disregard the seriousness of misdemeanor charges. Many people think that misdemeanors aren’t worth the expense of hiring an attorney because they are not as serious of crimes as felonies. However, this is taking a very short-sighted stance. Accepting (or risking accepting) a misdemeanor criminal charge automatically creates a criminal history, which can affect future penalties and eligibility for leniency and first-time-offender programs. It’s strategic to get less serious charges thrown out or further reduced when you can. Many misdemeanor traffic offenses can suspend your driver’s license or can cause you to lose your insurance. Similarly, other misdemeanors can foreclose you ability to get a job, insurance, or even student loans.
- I will not trust things to “work out” in court. The legal system is stacked against you in a lot of ways. You need yourself on your team. It’s important to be proactive, understand the charges against you, consult with your attorney and others, and independently research issues that apply to your case.
- I will fight every traffic ticket I get. Never pay a traffic ticket without a fight. While it may be the last thing that you want to deal with, paying traffic tickets is essentially pleading guilty to them. This can result an increase to your insurance premium as well as having points added to your record which can eventually result in a license suspension. It’s best to keep as many points off of your record as possible. And the attorneys at The Spizman Firm have a great track record of keeping points and in some cases, criminal charges, off of your record.
- I will not give police consent to search my car or my person. As a general rule, if the police ask to search your vehicle, it’s because they don’t have legal permission to do so otherwise. If you give them permission, it won’t matter that they didn’t have a warrant or probable cause, because your consent overrides that. By giving consent, you also remove almost all likelihood of being able to fight the constitutionality of the search, which is a way you otherwise may have been able to get the charges dismissed. Tell the police no to their fishing expedition, and let them know that you want to speak to an attorney.
Talk to The Spizman Firm trial Lawyers
If you are facing criminal charges or are in need of legal representation in the Atlanta, Dunwoody, Alpharetta, Cobb County, Fulton County, Gwinnett County, Johns Creek, Sandy Springs, or anywhere in Georgia, our lawyers are ready to fight for the best possible outcome in your case. Call our Georgia criminal attorneys today and schedule a free consultation.