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Atlanta Criminal Defense Lawyers > Blog > DUI > Amish Charged in DUI Incident

Amish Charged in DUI Incident

When people think of driving under the influence, they typically think of a motor vehicle. It makes sense. We read about DUIs or listen to stories of them on the news and they almost always involve a car, truck or motorcycle. It is for that reason that some have found the news of a buggy driver being charged with DUI eye-catching, to say the least.

According to reports, five Amish men in a horse buggy were traveling in Canoe Township in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. Police attention was drawn to the buggy because two men were observed to be riding on the roof of the carriage. Police initiated a traffic stop at First and Sunset streets.

Once police were able to speak with the passengers, five males in total, they discovered that each man was under the influence of alcohol. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that each of the five were under the legal drinking age of 21. Police also found containers of alcohol in the buggy.

Four passengers, Andrew Coblentz, 20; William Byler, 18; Rayond Kurtz, 20, and a juvenile, 16, were cited in relation to possession and consumption of alcohol. The driver of the buggy, Robert Miller, 18, was arrested for suspicion of DUI.

Miller will have to appear in court to answer to his charges, but the date of his initial appearance was not released.

Under current DUI law, a “vehicle” can be a number of things: a car, truck, motorcycle, bicycle or yes, even a horse buggy. Consuming alcohol and operating a vehicle is against the law in Georgia. If you find yourself charged with DUI in Atlanta, you need an experienced lawyer standing by your side and fighting for your rights. Call The Spizman Firm Fortas today for a free case evaluation and let us discuss your options with you.

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