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Do You Have PTSD Due To A Workplace Injury Or Incident?


The injuries that one can sustain in the workplace are not always physical. The mental trauma and disorders that can result from workplace conditions or incidents can result in debilitating symptoms. If you have been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as a result of conditions at your workplace, because of an incident that you were involved in or witnessed, or due to a traumatic injury that you sustained, you should be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits just like you would be for a physical injury. Workers’ compensation benefits for PTSD include full or partial wage replacement if you need to take time off to recover, as well as medical care, which can include psychiatric treatment and therapy to help you treat your condition and recover. A Sandy Springs personal injury lawyer can help you recover the compensation that you deserve.

Getting Workers’ Compensation Benefits for PTSD

There can be some challenges when it comes to receiving workers’ compensation for PTSD. In order to get workers’ compensation coverage for any kind of workplace injury you have to establish that the injury was sustained in the course of your employment and within the scope of your employment. This is easy to do if you are a warehouse worker who breaks their arm in a forklift accident, but can be much harder to establish when it comes to PTSD. Workers’ compensation claims adjusters may initially deny your claim citing that it is not possible to tell whether the condition resulted due to your work-related duties or because of factors that were present outside of the workplace. However, a lawyer can help you make this connection clear and present the strongest possible case for receiving benefits. In instances where you witnessed a traumatic event at work, such as if you were a firefighter or a first-line responder and witnessed a horrific event, this makes the connection to PTSD much clearer. If you developed PTSD as the result of a workplace accident that also caused physical injuries, this connection can also be clearly demonstrated and supported. In some cases, PTSD can result from prolonged exposure to a violent or traumatic line of work. As these cases can be complicated, it is always a good idea to consult with an attorney if you are having trouble getting the support that you are entitled to.

How a Lawyer Can Help You Get PTSD Benefits

Employees often have more challenges when filing for PTSD benefits than they do when filing workers’ compensation claims for physical injuries. It is not uncommon to have your initial claim denied. However, that does not mean you will ultimately be unsuccessful in getting coverage. A workers’ compensation lawyer can help you navigate the process and present the best possible case for coverage.

Contact The Spizman Firm Trial Lawyers

If you have developed PTSD due to a traumatic workplace injury or incident in Atlanta, Dunwoody, Alpharetta, Cobb County, Fulton County, Gwinnett County, Johns Creek, Sandy Springs, or anywhere in Georgia, the experienced personal injury and workers’ compensation attorneys at The Spizman Firm Trial Lawyers want to hear from you. Contact The Spizman Firm Trial Lawyers today to schedule a free consultation.

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