What You Should Know About Depositions, Part 2
In part 1 of this blog series, we covered what depositions are and how you are expected to behave. Now it’s time to learn about the questioning that will occur while you are being deposed. Read on for part 2 of our series.
6. Should I Answer If I Don’t Know the Answer?
People are understandably nervous during a deposition and may feel as though they must answer every question. The truth of the matter is that you may not know the answer. If you don’t, your answer should be just that, “I don’t know.” Any form of guessing or lying is not permitted during a deposition. You can, however, estimate things like times, distances and quantities.
7. Should I Provide More Information?
In general, you should only provide answers to the questions that are asked. Do not turn an answer into a story. When you are answering, be as concise as you can be. If you are asked a yes or no question, answer in that manner without providing more detail. For example, an attorney may ask you if you recall where you were when an incident occurred. This is a yes or no question. If the attorney requires further information, they will follow up.
8. Am I Under Time Constraints?
Don’t feel as though you have to rush through your answers. After something is asked of you, take your time to formulate the response in your head before you speak. You are under no time constraints, and there is no clock that starts ticking once a question has been asked. Listen to the question being asked carefully, think about your answer, and then give your answer. If you feel yourself becoming angry or upset, ask your attorney for a break so that you can collect yourself.
9. Will My Attorney Give Me Instructions?
Your lawyer will not only give you instructions prior to the deposition, but they will assist you when they can during the questioning. Your lawyer may tell you not to answer a question, or otherwise instruct you on how to form your answer. Your attorney knows their job; it is in your best interest to follow your attorney’s instructions at all times.
10. Can I Ask My Lawyer Questions?
You will not be able to ask your lawyer questions during the deposition itself, but you can certainly speak with them before. In addition, you can always take a break and step outside the deposition room to speak with your attorney. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to take a break. Anything that you say to your lawyer is confidential, so you should never be afraid to ask for or provide information.
Being involved in any court case in Atlanta can be disconcerting. If you are in need of an attorney, reach out to our team today. We will review the details of your case and advise you of your legal options. We are here for you and want to make things less difficult for you during this stressful time. Call today to schedule your free case evaluation.