Why Independent Medical Examinations Are Used In Personal Injury Claims
There are several ways people can suffer injuries. Sometimes, injuries can be the result of a party’s own reckless behavior, and other times, another party’s negligence can be the reason why injuries result. When negligent actions by one party cause physical bodily harm to another, it could be possible for the victim in this situation to file a claim for compensation. There are many damages that a victim may have suffered which they can, and should, include in their claims. Examples of compensable damages include medical costs, pain and suffering, property destruction, and lost wages.
If an injury accident was catastrophic, the damages that a victim may suffer could also be cataclysmic. In these situations, the extent of damages that a victim includes in their claims for financial compensation may be very high. It is possible that a victim is owed a large settlement for the harm they have had to endure.
In Georgia, to be sure you are accounting for all of the damages you sustained including both those in the present and those that are going to exist in the future, please consider connecting with the Cobb County personal injury attorneys at Hawkins Spizman Trial Attorneys.
Why Insurance Companies Utilize Independent Medical Examinations
When a personal injury claim is filed against an insurance company, there is a good reason why there could be the requirement or the request for an independent medical examination (IME). Due to the high cost that medical treatment and care can total for a victim that is severely injured, an insurance company is going to do their due diligence to make sure that the injuries are actually as substantial as they are being represented to be. Additionally, the insurance company will want to know for sure if the injuries are from the injury accident the claim is being made about.
Unless a victim has been rushed to an emergency room for rapid treatment of life-threatening injuries, they are likely to have their own doctor that they trust and will go to for an examination of their condition. An insurance company may be wary of the relationship between the patient and their doctor and so they could question the final opinion of the medical provider. To get an unbiased view of what the injuries are, how serious they are, and if they were from the injury accident, an independent medical provider examining a victim is likely what the insurance company will want.
Whether an IME happens or not, it is critical that victims secure the most compensation from their injury claim. Once a claim has closed if there were damages not covered or paid by the insurance company, the victim is unlikely to be able to get the additional funds necessary to pay for the full amount of harm they suffered.
Speak with an Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer Today
The Atlanta personal injury attorneys at Hawkins Spizman Trial Attorneys are here for you and can meet with you during a free consultation. To discuss your case and to learn more about obtaining compensation, please call the legal team at Hawkins Spizman at 770-685-6400.
Hawkins Spizman Trial Attorneys represent individuals charged with DUIs in Georgia including Atlanta, Dunwoody, Alpharetta, Cobb County, Fulton County, Gwinnett County, Johns Creek, and Sandy Springs.