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Atlanta Criminal Defense Lawyers > Blog > DUI > Woman with History of DUI Strikes Cyclist

Woman with History of DUI Strikes Cyclist

Police say that a woman who was arrested for causing the death of one cyclist and injuring two others has been arrested twice for driving under the influence of drugs in the past three months. The most recent arrest was just under three weeks ago.

According to reports of the accident, Whitney Baker Howard, 31, was driving on Athena Drive when she crossed the centerline and hit a group of cyclists head-on. The cyclists were traveling on a group ride. Killed was Ashley Block, 25, a student at the University of Georgia. Brian Molloy, a second rider, sustained minor injuries. The last rider hit, Mitchell Enfinger, was taken to the hospital with serious injuries.

Howard remained on scene after hitting the cyclists. Police suspect that she was impaired by drugs. They also say that she was driving with her 2-year-old daughter as a passenger. Howard was arrested on scene and taken into custody. She was charged with driving under the influence of drugs, failure to maintain lane, improper use of a mobile phone while driving, endangering a child by driving while intoxicated, and first-degree homicide by vehicle.

Howard appeared before a Magistrate Court judge and was denied bail. The woman’s drug addiction is on record with police and local courts and the prosecutor argued, “Putting keys in her hand is like handing her a loaded gun with a shaky trigger finger.”

An arrest for driving under the influence of alcohol in Atlanta is a serious charge, with or without additional charges. Having an experienced attorney on your side as you fight to protect your rights is in your best interest. Call the office of The Spizman Firm Fortas to discuss the details of your arrest and let us advise you of your options. Your initial case evaluation will be held at no cost to you.

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