Ex Basketball Star Ordered to Pay for Dead Tree
Many people have heard of restitution being ordered after a vehicle collision. People are forced to pay for others’ medical bills, lost wages, or even damaged property. Jayson Williams, ex-Nets star, will be paying restitution to the city of Manhattan, but not for something you may think. Williams will be forking over money to pay for a tree that he killed.
Williams was arrested in 2010 for running his SUV into a honey locust tree on Avenue C in Manhattan. The basketball star was found to have a blood-alcohol content that was more than double the legal limit. As police arrived on scene, Williams scooted into the passenger seat, telling police that the driver of the vehicle had fled.
Williams’ lawyer appeared in court last week without his client. The attorney informed the judge that Williams had completed his drunk driving program. Unfortunately, Williams may have completed his program but has yet to pay his restitution. Williams owes the city $16,643 for the dead tree. The judge added close to $2,000 to what Williams owes due to the ex-star failing to wear an alcohol-monitoring anklet.
At the time of his accident, Williams was out on bail for shooting his chauffeur to death.