Georgia Teams up with Neighboring States to Increase DUI Checkpoints Labor Day Weekend
The Labor Day holiday is swiftly approaching, and friends and family throughout the state will be gathering for picnics, sports events, and other gatherings. Friends and families, however, are not the only ones who have big plans for this holiday weekend. Across Georgia and neighboring states, law enforcement officers will be pulling resources for the 24th annual Hands Across the Border campaign.
This week, and through the weekend, state troopers, sheriff’s deputies, and police officers will set up checkpoints along state lines and elsewhere. Their goal: to catch impaired drivers entering and exiting Georgia and travelling elsewhere on the roadways. Drivers can expect to see checkpoints along the borders of the state and North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee, and Florida. They can also expect increased enforcement on the roadways just about everywhere else.
While the campaign was launched for, and maintains the primary purpose of, taking impaired drivers off of the road, it has also been responsible for catching drug offenders, unlicensed drivers, citizens with outstanding warrants, and fugitives. The campaign is by no means a secret one. Through partnerships with several media outlets, Hands Across the Border is receiving wide publicity.
It may seem counterintuitive to some to so publicly broadcast the initiative, but law enforcement officials would prefer that people choose not drink and then drive for fear of being caught. Officers work diligently to catch and arrest drunk drivers, but preventing someone from driving under the influence is the ultimate goal.
According to Roger Hayes, Law Enforcement Services Director for the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, “unfortunately, the reason we keep doing this campaign is because every year, we catch impaired, unbelted, uninsured and distracted drivers. While we would prefer if these motorists never hit the road, we are committed to taking them off it.”
It is important to understand that, if you choose to drink and drive and are caught, the legal limit in every state is .08. You will not be able to claim ignorance, nor will you catch a break should you cross from one state into another. If you are caught driving while impaired during Hands Across the Border, you will be arrested. Labor Day weekend in Georgia is also the time of Operation Zero Tolerance. Be prepared to spend some time behind bars if you are caught driving under the influence.
If you plan on celebrating during the holiday weekend, arrange for a sober ride home. If you cannot rely on a friend or family member, contact a ride sharing company like Uber or Lyft. If you find yourself out and have had more than you planned, consider contacting SafeRide America. If you do find yourself on the wrong side of the law, contact Hawkins Spizman Fortas for assistance. We have years of experience representing clients arrested for DUI. We are here to put our knowledge of DUI law to work for you to protect your rights, and to protect your career, your family, and your reputation.